July 29, 2015

EPISODES / PILOT: Decoding the Tapestry of Lies

It's nearly impossible to catch Sarawak Report's slick manoeuvrings, but only nearly

Founded by Clare Rewcastle Brown and launched on February 12, 2010, Sarawak Report describes itself as "a group of citizens and onlookers deeply concerned by the situation in Sarawak, East Malaysia".

Based in London, Sarawak Report claims to be an investigative journalism online news resource that offers "an alternative vision of justice, transparency and a fairer future in Sarawak”.

Amid its various exposés, a few interesting trends have been noted, including the questionable veracity of evidence presented in the notorious site and faulty predictions of Court cases, even before an actual Judgement is pronounced.

While freedom of speech is a democratic right to be upheld, slants, prejudiced angles and defamatory statements made without solid evidence must be condemned at all times.

This blog is run by a team of professionals and investigative journalists in the Asia-Pacific Region to test the veracity of the evidence presented in Sarawak Report.

We do not have any malevolent intention, but affirm our belief in accountability, ethics, adherence to the Rule of Law, and professionalism in all our endeavours.

Our series will compare statements and accusations made by Sarawak Report, and pitch them against solid evidence, which will prove how Sarawak Report does not necessarily preach the truth at all times and must be held accountable for the colossal havoc they have wrought not just on their site, but also all over the Internet.

Surely, their actions have unnecessarily and negatively affected many sectors and the burden of proof placed on Sarawak Report and Clare Rewcastle Brown is clear.

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Listen to PILOT - Decoding the Tapestry of Lies on SoundCloud.

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The NINE QUESTIONS Blog will return with more facts.
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